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I love to fishing for Mahi, hike with my Weims, and nap!

My favorite movies are Die Hard and Top Gun

Dr. Pete - Music Buff & Nap Master

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I like to look a challenge in the eye & give it a wink!!!

Be humble & kind.

I made it to the Top 30 in Amazing Race!!!

I LOVE staying active & enjoying mother nature - hiking, running, tennis, lifting!!!

Alison - Undercover Unicorn

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Most of the branches of my family tree can be traced back to the early 1700s in Huntersville!

I know almost as many fun facts and useless information as Dr. Pete!

Treat people with kindness (of course, Harry! wink, wink)

I love traveling, gifting people, and learning new things!

Becky - Creative Director Extraordinaire

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Don't Let Yesterday Take Too Much of Today

I love to take weekend trips to new places with my family.

I travel to Guatemala once a year to work with Free to Smile - a cleft lip & palate non profit organization.

Candice - The Calm To Our Storm

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"Me think, why waste time say lot word. When few word do trick?"

I love to nap (just like Dr. P)

I don't have any wisdom teeth!

Dani - Not Sure How, But She Just Gets It Done

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Everything is always working out for me.

I LOVE to sing!

I sang in an R&B band.

Kenya (Mo) - The Yin To Our Yang; a genuine sweetheart

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I can't live without my coffee/team!

I believe "The Past is Your Lesson, The Present is Your Future, The Future is Your Motivation!!!"

I love running, snowboarding, and snorkeling!

Mitzi - Our Fancy & Fun Fashionista

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"What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy, and walk humbly with your God" (Micah 6:8)

I wanted to raise monkeys when I grew up because I had a stuffed animal monkey as a child and I loved him more than anything

I have worked in Oral Surgery for over 40 years and still LOVE it!

Dolly Parton is one of my cousins

Patti - Our Mother Hen & Sweet as Pie

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Que Sera Sera (whatever will be will be)

I love to travel to a new country every year with my husband.

I love homesteading!

Samantha - Our Green Thumb & True Crime Podcast Junkie

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